by Ron Desmond

Kinetic Sparks


The shrouded fog clouded his mind
fire burning from his soul
she grazed his arm.. he her back

And all matter melted
Off script, off-kilter
they strayed

Dangerous territory unmarked
Paths never trodden
Stumbling forward they walked,

he catching her
she catching him

laughing, wandering
exploring playfully the contour
as she laid back

To feel his touch

Arching, twitching, relenting
to the tips of his fingers, where she
in response traced the arm
‘cross the plain, elbow to wrist
lightly, pleasantly, his arm hair
tingling in



Words covered their pleasure
Easily and they let speech gracefully
Work its burueaucratic purpose, the
Formality cloaking them in comfort

Till another intruded:
With watching eyes audited
Like a searchlight each movement
Of the two confidants and
By democratic and rational process
Vetoed the motion,
The wonder, and the possibility.

How quick the flighty moment had passed!
Divinely ordained and as divinely revoked
Left them bare, empty, uninspired;
Yet the piece, by divine memory
Graciously given, entered
The ethereal portal of his mind.

Within that great expanse that one
Secret brightened one part of the otherwise
Infinitely dark universe.
