she looks at me with expectant eyes
as if to ask
no words come out
what do I say?
do you remember when I sank the cup and won the game
your arm grazed my shoulder in felicity
and static electricity.
We celebrated the celebration
a moment of college matrimony
No, you would not remember and just say no and look at me funny
it’s been so long;
you thought you were above me
back then.
I loved you, though, in the brief moments we felt
before you brushed me off
No, I can’t say that, filter it out
but now the eyes, the beautiful brown eyes stare
longingly, lovingly, waiting crestfallen,
I notice you drop with disinterest, with sadness;
and offer a stock question.
In transmission the void saps all feeling,
incinerates the inward emotion to emptiness.
Oh, what cities of wonder lost!
what atlantises forever
submerged by the vacuum,
the medium between body and soul.
the emotionless, stock question,
the straight face, the robotic delivery
inspires nothing.
you answer as best you can;
nothing begets nothing.
and silence
what to say
looks forward focusing blankly
wheels spinning
what to say
brow furrowed, breathing intently
your eyes look so sad, and say:
help me,
please say something
the mind’s chamber breaks,
the void crushes the delicate casing; sucking it in
substance rushing out, soul rushing out
each thought gripping tightly, futilly,
like the last fingers to the remnants of the
collapsing structure
before the black hole yanks them
before the void suffocates the soul
drains all cognition
I look forward empty,
please say something